The Violent Years . CDR . $6
Seven songs. Includes the out-of-print "Cheap Ass Demo". Songs: Cheap Livin', People Hate People, TV Land, Empty Pools, Texas Friday, Losin' Control and Number 9. Limited to 60 pieces. Prepared by
w/ Bureau Brats . 7 inch . $4
Angry, fast old school hardcore from two of Delaware's most pissed off bands. Clear red vinyl, hand numbered, Five songs. BUY IT or SEE IT through

Cheap Livin . tee . $10
This shirt has a huge, totally badass illustration (by K3n) of an old white trash couple on the front and 'Cheap Livin' in old english across the back.

Crest . tee . $7
We screen these ourselves (with help from Jon from the Bureau Brats). They are white ink on dark shirts.

Buttons . asst . $1
Buttons are a buck. We usually throw in a sticker or two when you order a button!

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